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Practice Areas - Corporate and M&A Law Firms and Lawyers

Deal Date: 22-12-2015 Practice Area: Corporate and M&A
Deal Title: Energeticky Acquisition of Slovenske Elektrarne Industry: Electricity
White and Case LLP advised Energeticky a prumyslovy holding on the agreement by its subsidiary, EP Slovakia BV, to acquire the 66 percent stake in Slovenske elektrarne, a.s. owned by Enel Produzione S.p.A., a subsidiary of Italy-based multinational power company Enel S.p.A. EPH is a leading Central European energy group operating mainly in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. Slovenske elektrarne is a leader in the Slovak electricity generation market with installed capacity of around 4,521 MW, of which around 1,940 MW is from nuclear power generation.
Financial Center: London Value: 0.00-0.00
Advised Party: Acquiror Law Firm
Target Company Jurisdiction: Slovakia Acquiror Jurisdiction: Czech Republic
Classification: Strategic Buyer Acquisitions Private Company
Lawyer John Cunningham